Monday, July 21, 2014

MInnesota Crafting and Farmers Markets

We have been in Minnesota now for 2 weeks.  I finished my first week at my new assignment and was welcomed by friendly folks in a beautiful new clinic.  We did manage to get some antique shop browsing and flea market shopping for new jewelry creations for the Etsy store. I have finished some earrings and  have done about 5 resin filled pendants that are currently drying, which is a great new way to use the antique watch components.  Mitch has also started showing our jewelry at the local farmers market.  We are not sure this is the best venue but it is great exposure.  We have learned of several flea markets and craft shows that will be going on while we are up here that we will be looking in to.  Just don't want to take  too much time away from grand baby time.  We just missed one in Anoka where I am working that would have been a great one to display at.  Oh well next time. Found some great old bus tokens in a second hand shop that are working out great in some designs.  The centers were all cut out into different shapes that we were told corresponded with the different routes.

Having a blast reconnecting with my youngest grand daughter.  She is a very smart little girl and is such a joy being around.  Good to spend some adult time with  youngest son and  daughter in law.  It has been  quite a dry spell in between visits.
Otherwise all is good.  Loving the Minnesota green.  It is always so pretty up here and if not for the winters would be very tempting to be up here more.
Here's the latest I have pics of. Some are in the boxes to go to Farmers market..